Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Follow Your Heart, Not The Crowd.


Just because everyone else is doing something a certain way, or living their life a certain way, doesn't make it 'right'. 

There really is no such thing as 'normal' or what we are 'supposed' to do with our lives. We each have the opportunity to make our own decisions and to follow our own journeys in this short lifetime, so why waste it living someone else's journey? Someone else's dream?

Society has been formed to create an example of a way of life which is easily accessible and readily available for those who chose it.

But we have choice. We have alternatives. We have freedom.

We don't need to let fear hold us back from exercising our rights to live exactly the way we want to. How many people will look back and have regrets... that they didn't do more, that they didn't see more, that they cared too much about what other people thought, that they didn't fall in love often enough or madly enough, that they focused on things that didn't really matter in the end? Maybe too many..

We don't want to end up living a life that we will regret later on, because we only have one shot at it. Don't wait until it's too late to make a change because if not now, then when?

Our hearts can be our greatest guides, they will tell us when we're not doing what's best and what's best isn't always what you think is right. Sometimes you need to get totally lost and confused before you find yourself again. We'll never truly know what matters to us if we listen to  what matters to everyone else. What is important to one person, may not mean anything to another, and what is junk to one person, is treasure to another. 

The only people who are responsible for our choices and actions are us, and we are the only ones who can make those decisions about what we want. where we want to be and who we want to be.

As my next birthday approaches, and I look back on another year passed, I realise that now, more than ever, is the time to be the change I want to see, to listen only to my own heart and mind, not to the fears, ideas and opinions of others and to be honest with myself about what I want.

This is our one precious life and we can spend it living authentically, listening to our own guidance, no matter how rocky the road might become, or how many times we fall. Too often we base our life choices on other peoples, for fear of walking alone, for fear of forging our own way in the world, or failing. But our failings are our biggest lessons, and without them we would never learn to grow, to follow the path best for us and become the best we can be.

So as I consider another year gone by and the beginning of a new chapter in my life, I ask myself; am I being authentic? Am I following my heart? Am I being true to myself?

Because the only person that can follow the wisdom of your own heart, is you... Don't sacrifice your gift to the world for anyone else.


  1. Your writing is wonderful and always speaks directly to my heart and soul. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being able to put how I feel into words.


    adding a picture of the front of my house in August 2014

    1. Hi Glena52, thanks so much for your kind words! For some reason I wasn't allerted to this comment, but I'm so happy my writing resonates with you. And sorry it's a bit late! xx

  2. maybe the pic will show with this comment
