Sunday, 7 December 2014

Honour Your Self (Poem)

If you listen close enough
To the beat of your heart,
It will reveal the rhythm 
Of your deepest desires.

If you let yourself be moved 
By the currents of your soul,
You will feel the tides turn 
In your favour.

If you sit and remember
Who you were,
Before the world tried to change
The way you see..
You will realise that 
Who you truly are,
Is who you'll always be.

If, in searching, 
You become lost along the way,
Remember that true freedom 
Lies in honouring your wildness
And letting it guide you every day. 

Monday, 10 November 2014

6 Ways To Re-Connect To Our Inner Magic

“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.” ~ Dr. Seuss
When we are children, we have a sense of wonder and awe about us; everything is fascinating, intriguing and interesting.
Everything shines and sparkles or makes us laugh, and if something doesn’t interest us, we move on, never sparing it another thought.
Our minds are always present, we live in the here and now always. Always rooted to the present moment, to the task at hand, be it looking at a flower or coloring on paper with crayons, playing hide and seek or watching woodlice crawl out from under logs and over our hands (a personal favorite).
We are never bored, never apathetic, always amused and entertained. Our minds are our playgrounds for the imagination, and our playgrounds are kingdoms where we fight dragons, build castles and conjure other worlds.

Life is always magic. Always fun.

Then we grow up. And the fun turns to responsibility and seriousness.
But we don’t have to grow up, not ever, not really. If we learn to tap into our inner childlike awe and wonder, and re-adjust how we see the world, we can remain childlike and playful. We can incorporate magic into our everyday lives, no matter how sensible or responsible we have to act.
Inside we can always be children, fascinated with beauty and nature. We can always be surprised, as if every time we see something, we see it with new eyes. We can make sure our hearts and minds are always curious.
We don’t have to ever really grow up. Society tells us we should. But I say we shouldn’t. I say we should always stay amazed by life and be grateful for the small, simple things. For sunshine, for friendships, for beauty, for music, for nature and to move our bodies and stretch our imaginations.
Here are 6 sweet ways to unlock our inner childlike magic: 
1. Daydream. “If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less, but to dream more, to dream all the time.” ~ Marcel Proust
Dream big, dream often and dream unapologetically. We used to be told off for daydreaming in class but really daydreaming is so important  to keep our imaginations, and therefore magic, alive.
Dream of plans, travels, love, food, fantasies and the future of the planet. Dream of beaches soaked in sunshine and all the things you want to be. Dream of having superhero powers and of saving the world. Once you begin to dream, you are capable of anything you can put your mind to. Dreams are the gateway to goals. Plus you can never be bored with an active imagination.
2. Laugh. “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” ~ Roald Dahl
Laughter is the best medicine. Our ability to laugh and joke and see the humor in life is what keeps us sane (or insane). Laughter is contagious, good for the soul and makes us live longer. Seeing the good in people and the silliness in situations can save us. Magic is found in the moments we are transported away from the seriousness of life, and there is no better way to find this magic, than laughing.
Learn to laugh easily and life will get easier.
3. Spend Time Alone.  “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.” ~ Oscar Wilde
When we were young, we could potter about in our own worlds, sit and draw, run and play outside, talk to imaginary friends, all on our own with no worries or cares. When we get older, we feel bad for being alone, we see it as lonely or sad. But spending time alone is vital for keeping your inner magic alive. When we’re alone we can rest and connect within, to our inner childlike nature. We can discover the yin to the yang, the peace to the chaos, and the silence to the noise.
4. Play. “It is a happy talent to know how to play.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Playfulness is not something delegated to children only. We have every right to be able to play and be silly all our lives. Whether we are in public or in private, playing is a beautiful acknowledgement of our inner child and an expression of our creativity and imagination. We can do crafts, run around outside with a hose in summer, build a fort out of sheets or play with a child or animal. Playing is fun, and fun is not age exclusive.
A child who is lost in playtime is the epitome of presence and mindfulness. We can learn a lot from children’s uninhibited ability to play for no reason other than to enjoy the moment.
5. Dance. “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche 
As children, we would move and dance without a care in the world; we hadn’t yet discovered the shame of self-consciousness and were still connected to the purity of spirit which ran through our veins. Magic is awoken in our bodies and hearts when we move, when our bodies let go of the shackles of appropriate andsensible and we transcend into the realms of instinctive movement.
Those moments when you close your eyes and let your body move whichever way it wants to, swinging hips and arms and wild spins, a sense of freedom and liberation releases you. Find your own rhythm, dance to your own music, beat your own drum, and move any damn way you want. Even if it’s just in your bedroom. Music and dance are sacred, divine even, and will help you connect with your inner magical source.
6. Enjoy Nature. “To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature.  Most persons do not see the sun.  At least they have a very superficial seeing.  The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and heart of the child.  The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember when you were a child and you would run around in the rain, tasting it on your tongue and splashing in puddles? Or when you would paddle in streams, climb trees, run through fields and lie looking at the clouds? I remember taking walks in the forest, and finding secret caves and hollow trees, convinced I’d found the home of fairies and hobbits.
Nature is our mother, and as children we feel comfortable around her; soothed by her maternal energy. We feel a deep connection with flowers and bugs and leaves and rivers as children, but we often move to cities as we grow older and lose this sacred bond. Spending time in nature revives all our senses, raises our vibration and opens up a word of magic and wonder inside of our hearts and souls.
Keeping the magic alive is not just for relationships, it’s for our own souls; to always remain amazed at what’s in front of us and to always find the humor and color in life.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Modern Day Feminism: Reclaiming The 'F' Word

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.”

~ George Carlin
In a recent speech at the United Nations Headquarters, newly appointed Women’s Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, declared the word Feminist to be an unpopular one: “Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive.”
In layman’s terms, Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. That doesn’t sound too weird, aggressive, or radical, does it?
The feminist movement began in the late 19th century and has experienced several waves as it has evolved including the fight for political, social, cultural, and financial equality, and more recently has also had to focus on women’s reproductive rights.
Feminism, at its heart, is based on the mentality that everyone on this earth should be granted the same rights as everyone else. We’re all human after all, and therefore we’re all equal.
The fact that feminism is a women’s movement means that arguments are usually biased towards women’s rights to be seen as equal, most importantly within politics, culture and the workplace.
However, there is another side to feminism which focuses on men’s rights to be considered equal in terms of emotional freedom and expression which should be addressed in terms of the cultural oppression of male emotions and sensitivity.
So why, then, has feminism become a dirty word?
Unfortunately, as with any movement which originates with a radical idea (feminism began with the suffragette movement to win the right to vote which was met with outrage from men and women alike!), many people still do, and always will, believe it to be radical.
There will always be people who believe, for one way or another, through cultural, social, or religious conditioning, that the rights belonging to different races, species or sexes are not to be considered within the same moral or ethical arena.
Some of these people are unfortunately also in positions of power, therefore any rational arguments for equality are already jeopardized and threatened.
The angry man-hating feminist stereotype is also an unfortunate by-product of the movement.
Whether the media has sensationalized the concept, or whether it does actually exist, is immaterial because by these standards,  the very ideas and concepts of the feminist movement are already tainted and seen as taboo and unattractive.
Women are afraid to openly admit to being a feminist, not because they don’t believe that women should be treated equally, but because they don’t actually hate men at all and by standing up for this cause, you are somehow guilty by association.
If you want to express yourself freely, then you support feminism, if you believe women should have opinions, then you support feminism, if you believe women have a right to be seen ‘and’ heard, then you are a supporter of feminism.
Feminism really needs to be reclaimed, in order to shake it of its dirty shackles, dust it off, give it a polish and re-introduce the idea that feminism is absolutely nothing to do with hating men and absolutely everything to do with living in harmony together with respect and acceptance.
It is about fairness and justice and about evolving our morals and ethics to compliment the day and age we are living in.
Of course, there are still drastic and dangerous levels of inequality still prevalent throughout the world, however the evidence of how far this movement still has to go should surely serve to highlight how important and how absolutely necessary it is for us stand behind it.
We must forget the controversy surrounding the word feminism and unite to support the plight of our sisters around the world who still cannot live in safety or with basic acknowledgement of their unique importance and sacred place in the world.
The fact we are still confronted with cases of such extreme inequality shows that we need to completely break down the conditioning of men and women and their engrained stereotypical roles in society.
This leads to the next concept; that feminism is not just for women. Although it began as a women’s movement and its name suggests the female bias, it is actually a movement for everyone.
It is welcoming to men and women alike because it simply requires that whoever understands and supports it, believes in equal rights for all on earth, regardless of sex, race, region or religion.
It is an absolutely awesome trait for a man to be considered a feminist; the feminist man is evolved in his ability to understand the powers of both men and women respectively and appreciates our unique and innate differences and attributes.
A world where men can hold women in their own divine strength and see them as the powerful creatures that they are, is a world that knows peace.
In the same way, a world in which women respect and cherish men and let them be open and vulnerable as well as strong and protective, is a world that knows love.
“I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too — reclaim those parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so be a more true and complete version of themselves.” ~ Emma Watson
We are teetering on the edge of a worldwide awakening of consciousness; it is palpable. We are lucky enough to be witnessing a mass spiritual evolution where we can no longer operate within the restrictive and outdated limitations that society has imposed on us.
We have come to realize that we must use our new-found spiritual freedom, knowledge and power to influence and effect change on a grand scale. But in order to stand up and be heard, we must stand together and speak as one, because our voices will be louder in unison.
“All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men and women to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke
The idea of an initiative which appeals to both men and women works on so many levels because it breaks down the separation which often puts men off the idea of feminism and only serves to alienate them from the cause.
In reaching out to men to help fight for the rights of male/female equality, we are creating a movement based on love and respect, which is what feminism is essentially fighting for.
The fact that there are women’s groups that exist which are against the idea of feminism (Women Against Feminism) just shows how misunderstood the women’s movement has become and how urgently we need to rectify the situation.
We need to remember what we’re fighting for and why: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities because we’re all humans, in different looking bodies.
Feminism has been clouded by contradiction and confusion but if you believe that men and women deserve the same basic rights and opportunities, then you’re already a feminist.
You don’t have to protest in the streets or burn your bra or stop shaving your legs (although you can do if you want, that’s fine as well), you just have to believe in equal rights and want for a world where we live besides each other with mutual understanding and respect.
On those grounds I am most definitely a feminist. I embrace my own power, sexuality and right to express myself freely, without fear. I do not want to compete with men, I want to live alongside them, just as I don’t want to compete with women.
I will still continue to wear a bra when I choose to and I will continue to wax. And I would like men to feel comfortable enough to be soft and open around me if they want to.
This is a world I want to live in.
This is the reclaiming of feminism.
This is is our future.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Follow Your Heart, Not The Crowd.


Just because everyone else is doing something a certain way, or living their life a certain way, doesn't make it 'right'. 

There really is no such thing as 'normal' or what we are 'supposed' to do with our lives. We each have the opportunity to make our own decisions and to follow our own journeys in this short lifetime, so why waste it living someone else's journey? Someone else's dream?

Society has been formed to create an example of a way of life which is easily accessible and readily available for those who chose it.

But we have choice. We have alternatives. We have freedom.

We don't need to let fear hold us back from exercising our rights to live exactly the way we want to. How many people will look back and have regrets... that they didn't do more, that they didn't see more, that they cared too much about what other people thought, that they didn't fall in love often enough or madly enough, that they focused on things that didn't really matter in the end? Maybe too many..

We don't want to end up living a life that we will regret later on, because we only have one shot at it. Don't wait until it's too late to make a change because if not now, then when?

Our hearts can be our greatest guides, they will tell us when we're not doing what's best and what's best isn't always what you think is right. Sometimes you need to get totally lost and confused before you find yourself again. We'll never truly know what matters to us if we listen to  what matters to everyone else. What is important to one person, may not mean anything to another, and what is junk to one person, is treasure to another. 

The only people who are responsible for our choices and actions are us, and we are the only ones who can make those decisions about what we want. where we want to be and who we want to be.

As my next birthday approaches, and I look back on another year passed, I realise that now, more than ever, is the time to be the change I want to see, to listen only to my own heart and mind, not to the fears, ideas and opinions of others and to be honest with myself about what I want.

This is our one precious life and we can spend it living authentically, listening to our own guidance, no matter how rocky the road might become, or how many times we fall. Too often we base our life choices on other peoples, for fear of walking alone, for fear of forging our own way in the world, or failing. But our failings are our biggest lessons, and without them we would never learn to grow, to follow the path best for us and become the best we can be.

So as I consider another year gone by and the beginning of a new chapter in my life, I ask myself; am I being authentic? Am I following my heart? Am I being true to myself?

Because the only person that can follow the wisdom of your own heart, is you... Don't sacrifice your gift to the world for anyone else.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The World Needs Your Passion

Passion. The fire in your belly that rages and burns. Or the song in your heart that plays over and over, reminding you of your purpose in this world. The world needs more passion; Raw, urgent, wild, loud, fierce, relentless passion. In a society where is it encouraged to 'fit in', to stay quiet, to go with the flow and to try your hardest to be accepted, it leaves no room for outrageous, delicious, mind-blowing, dream-making, soul-inspiring passion.

Our passion is our purpose, our calling, it is our voice and our gift to the world. The only way we can change the world, make it softer, sweeter, more habitable, is through unlocking our passion and using it in any way we can to make the world better.

However, in this crazy world of conformity and consistence, we are afraid to express our unique-ness and our individuality for fear of being outcast, or shunned from our social circles. Instead we shrink wrap our excitement, we dull our desires and we emaciate our energies, until we are simply actors within our own lives.

We are free thinking, passionate, wild, beautiful, creative, desirable, unique and wonderfully weird creatures and we have every right to stand up and be 'seen.. to really be seen in all our crazy glory.

The world is desperate for a revolution of the human spirit; It is crying out for people to break the shackles of societal norms and speak their heartfelt truth, no matter how scary it may seem.

Let's make it our duty to find and unlock our burning passions into the world; to create change, to find peace, to heal, to help, to inspire. Despite what you think, the world needs your voice, and it will be a better, more beautiful place, having heard it. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Losing A Shining Star

You don't need to know someone in person for them to bless your life.Robin Williams truly did inspire all of our imaginations and touch our hearts. He became the characters he played in a way very few are able to.. He made us believe in magic, and reminded us that we should never stop dreaming, that we should always keep a sense of child like wonder when looking at the world. He encouraged us not to take ourselves too seriously and that it was OK to be weird and wacky - We could be who ever we wanted to be! .

Sometimes it takes death to remind us we are alive. I think it's amazing to see so much love everywhere for a true shining star.. And I hope that perhaps it will encourage people to reach out to those around them, to see each other as fellow humans without judging with labels or division, and to connect more; to reach out and offer support, or to ask for help.

RIP to a wonderful soul, thank you for everything you taught us  .

"You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars." Robin Williams

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

When We Write, We Come Alive

It is often said that when a writer writes, he/she writes from a place far deeper than the limits of the conscious mind.

Somewhere between the realms of the heart and the dwelling of the soul, a magical land nestles on the horizon; Between valleys and mountains, rivers and fields. It exists in our imaginations, but its promise is sweet like the apple of temptation held to our wet lips, crisp and juicy… dangerous. Real.

When we write, we sit and let our hearts reach the page the way rivers reach the ocean.

They rush and run, a steady flow, determined, always knowing where it’s headed but not the route it must take. Nothing can stop its course. In the same way, nothing can stop the words from spilling from inside of us and out into the world.

We draw our words like swords from a place of dreams, desires, nightmares and fears. Truths so raw they threaten to break us open as they burst through the barriers of our physical form. Our souls may bleed a thousand deaths as we dictate its longings onto the page as it settles and sets into a little piece of its own history.

Our mind will leave us and in its place an empty space, void of rationality and sense.. An urgency, a passion that reaches the very depths of our heart and begs to be etched onto the souls of those who read it.

Words are manifestations of ourselves. They are symbolic representations of the many truths and desires  which lurk inside each and every one of us.

They force their way out through hurried pens and scrambled fingers on keys. They pour like liquid gold out from under the places where we’ve kept them buried like hidden treasure. The unanswered questions of our own existence kept like hostages of our souls.

They bleed from our wounds, our hearts, our ink-filled veins.

Stirred from the bottom of our engorged hearts we scrape letters, smudged with tears and sweat and heartache. Signed with blood we write with poisoned ink, our pained revenges and our bittersweet goodbyes to old lovers and friends.

We lie naked and exposed, wrapped in the silken robes of stories told and secrets yet to be revealed. We let our hands gently reach out in the dark for others who understand that our words are our most precious gift. They are to be hidden in hand-carved ivory boxes, wrapped with satin and ribbons and delivered in the dead of the night, to be opened by those who’s hearts beat with the same gentle rhythm as our own.

We savour words as if each succulent morsel was crafted from the finest sugar-spun delicacy, melting on our lips and our minds. Their sweetness lingering and dripping from our souls like drizzled honey.

We caress old books, their spines weak and frayed. We touch them like old lovers, who’s every curve we know like our own. Yet each time we trace our fingers along their worn edges, it feels like the first time, tense with excitement and eager to unfold the promises within.

We swim amongst sentences like drowning men, off long lost ships, swirling and sinking within the rough seas of our minds. We cast nets for feelings and scramble for their meaning , ripping open maps containing long lost lands. And when we can no longer find our way, we rely on the quiet wisdom within and let it guide us, shaking pen in hand, to steer us home.

We find heaven on earth as we sit and breathe life onto blank pages; Our art is our words, our instruments our pens and the medium our hearts.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Choose Love, Not Fear.

The world seems so full of fear.. Our country's leaders are fearful of each other, Religions are fearful of each other, Races are fearful of each other, people are fearful of each other. The media promotes fear..of terrorism, of extremism, of the drunk, the insane, the poor, the rich, the incapacitated, the skinny, the fat, the powerful, the weak. We are driven by fear. We are taught fear... and we are encouraged to act based on fear.

We must fear each other, we must fear ourselves.

Fear has become an epidemic which has spread across the planet and holds it in a vice like grip.

But it doesn't have to be like this. There are only two states in which we can exist: Fear and Love. Fear keeps us small and keeps us hostile to one another. But Love opens our eyes and unites people, forging bonds, giving power to people who feel powerless, offering hope to those who feel hopeless. There IS a reason to keep going, to believe in the beauty of the world. LOVE on a grand scale is what the world needs.

Ignore the media trying to make us hate each other, Ignore the leaders of the world trying to fight each other, ignore the whispers at work or school or on the street telling you to hate someone because they are this colour or this gender or this way or that way.

We can choose to rise above the fear and the anger and the hatred, and we can choose to come from a place of love and acceptance and compassion.

There is nothing more powerful than the unified power of people with passion and purpose coming from a place of love.

Act now. Make Love your revolution. Spread it like wildfire, shout it from rooftops, ignore the fear and focus on love. For yourself, for each other, for the world and for everyone in it, regardless of our 'differences'. We're all human, we're all struggling, we're all capable of love. We need love to have a voice on a grand scale, not fear. Help be that voice. The world needs it, the world needs you.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Power of Words

Language is so powerful. The words we use hold so much weight and are loaded with energy which can either be directed positively or negatively, depending on our choice. 

Words carry a life force, a vibration which resonates with us at a deep, soul-felt level. The right words, used with the right intentions can transform you and change you, lift your mood and raise you up. However language which holds derogative or negative connotations, used in an offensive manner can bring you, and others around you, down and create wounds, cutting like swords. 

People who flippantly use negative or derogative terminology often, will subconsciously carry the weight of those words and their energy will be lowered. 
Those who speak positively, offering compliments and using uplifting language will, on a vibrational level, invite good energy in their lives. Much like the frequency of our thoughts, our language can alter our perspective on the world and therefore our experiences..

Next time you go to complain or bitch or moan.. stop yourself and instead find something positive to say. You might find this one small change can create a huge difference in your life as the less and less negatives you notice and point out, the less they seem to exist. 

If you're looking for the good, you'll find it. Your world just might transform. 
As the old saying goes...'If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' - The world needs more hope, inspiration and more compliments, not more complaining, insulting and hurting.

Words are powerful. Choose them wisely. They have the power to save lives... or to ruin them. The choice is yours. <3

"I am, by calling, a dealer in words; and words are, of course, the most powerful drug known to mankind" Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Write Your Own Path to Happy

You are the sum of your experiences.
So they say.
We are told that we are a part-nurtured, part-natured walking product of everything we’ve been through and everything we believe to be true within and without of ourselves. We are a collection of memories, subconscious influences and belief systems which gradually mold us into the folks we are today.
We are warned that we carry the burden of all the unkind words and unfair judgments that we have ever received, that we harbor all our previous moments of personal anguish, and that we embody all the false hopes and misguided truths which we have learned and which we must un-learn in order to find true happiness.
… are we not, therefore, the product of all of our positive experiences too? Are we not carrying around the satisfaction of every heartfelt compliment and word of encouragement?
Are we not resonating with every kind smile, every yet-to-be-realized dream and every moment of pure joy which linger inside of us, waiting to be recalled and re-lived to remind us of how amazing we really are?
I believe that for every breakdown, there is a breakthrough. For every put-down, there is a great big hoist-up, and for every thunderstorm, there is a rainbow that follows.
In essence, we are strong, we are determined and we are hopeful. At our core, we believe that there is always something to aim for, be that true love, contentment… success… or heaven. We are unified in our common pursuit for more, for better, for what we feel we deserve.
For every insult you endured, I can bet you have received a compliment. For every rejection you survived, you have achieved some form of success, and for every time you forgot how to believe in yourself, you were shocked by the realization that you had more faith than you ever gave yourself credit for. For every time you have been lost… you have also been found.
You always picked yourself up and carried on. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here now.
We dwell on the times we fell, we lost and we were hurt. We hold on to our wounds like battered reminders of our failings — anti-trophies of our battles and defeats. But what of all the many times we smiled, we won and we saved ourselves, over and over again?
Where are our proud medals of personal success and gold-starred acknowledgements of our sweet victories and triumphs?
We are resilient and strong, and it’s about time we remembered this. We should be laying wreaths at the altars of the beautiful days we have lived.
I choose to let myself be the person I am, and the person I am proud of becoming. I choose to remember the sheer number of times my breath has been stolen by sunsets and sunrises, the oceans and mountains.

I choose to be influenced by the kindness of strangers who have continuously shined out to me like a beacon of hope in the chaos of humanity.

I choose not to be broken by the words which went against me, but instead choose to be strengthened by thepower of those which lifted me up and filled my heart with hope and my soul with joy.
I have decided to be carried by the river of love which runs through me, not by the fickle breeze of judgment and contempt which, at some stage, blows amongst us all.
Our whole lives are based on choice, it is what set us apart from other animals. We all have souls that need to survive but the difference is, we have a choice; we don’t have to just survive, we can live, we can thrive and we can be inspired.
We can choose what to leave behind and what no longer serves us. We have a privilege and, therefore, a right to be able to carry with us only that which benefits us — be it memories, friends, lovers or experiences.
“How we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depends directly on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experiences. Whether we are happy depends on inner harmony, not on the controls we are able to exert over the great forces of the universe.”

~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Why should we carry the responsibility of the burden of our pasts when we can choose to leave it behind?
Let’s try to take only with us the softness, the warmth and the kindness that each of us has and will continue to experience, and be  more selective with the past we choose to carry; therefore, the life we choose to live.
If I am the sum of my experiences, then I choose to be built out of the multitudes of dreams that reside inside my heart and the many sunny days that I have woken up to.
I choose to be a product of all the magical times that my soul has connected with another’s, and the plethora of smiles I have received from strangers. I choose to be a grand medley of the times I have loved others and been loved myself.
I choose to embody the sum of the parts of me constructed from perseverance, determination and hope, rather than an amalgamation of my memories of fear and shame.
My self-confidence is more reliant on how I choose to see myself, than how others choose to see me.
My self-belief is dependent on the importance I place on my own dreams, not the willingness of others to support them.
The love I have for myself is home-grown and self-appointed and is based  on the gradual collection of experiences in which I have taken growth and strength as an outcome, not self-pity.
{Photo via}
{Photo via}
We have two options in this short and sweet life of ours: We can blame others for who or where we are today, or we can take responsibility for our own happiness. We are the lead character in the story of our lives… Select the plot you want, drop what you don’t. The rest is fantasy.
It’s true that we are the sum of our experiences… but only those we choose to cherish. Remember the good and forget the rest.
Life’s too short not to.